(Kamelrose WhisperLily "Whisper" meeting CallaLily "Cally" for the first time 14Aug2006 when she was 11 weeks 2 days old. Whisp is a real puppy not to mistaken for nor confused with a McDonald's Happy Meal stuffed toy. She weighed at 11 weeks 4 days old, 1 lb 8 oz .)
Whisp came to her forever home here in MN when she was 11 weeks and 2 days old. Her breeder, Kim Kincaid of Kamelrose Chihuahuas, did a wonderful job socializing this little doggie as well as keeping her with her mother dog "Judy" and litter mates to learn the valuable life long, all important dog communication skills.
Whisp went with her litter mates, after their first vaccinations to the grooming shop where Kim works as well as on 'field' trips to a nursing home/assisted care and a child day care center. "Judy", Whisp's mother, showed her puppies about toileting outside as well as running and playing in the grass as well as many lessons she was going to need in the future.
Cally is greatly enjoying Whisp both as a tiny Chihuahua playmate, her first, but also one to nurture and guide and show the world that exists in and out of the house. When Whisp startles by a sudden loud noise in the alley or in the house she quickly looks to Cally who is solid and calm and goes about as if there was no startling sound. This helps Whisp learn that these sudden sounds are nothing to worry about.
Since Whisp joined my family I have continued with her socialization, in this all important first 16 weeks of life window. I made a pouch for Whisp to ride in close against my chest, where she is not only secure but can hear my heart beat which is calming to her and she is very inquisitive on our daily outings. She is very friendly and outgoing, wagging her tail and licking any and all folks she meets. I think she even likes zooming along in the electric wheelchair, as she is far too tiny and mentally immature to learn to walk along side it, with the wind blowing her ears. When we get home, after a drink of water and a little lunch plus a trip outside to relieve herself, Whisp goes happily into her crate for a several hour nap. Whisp walks along side me, for the short distances I can still walk, quietly on a loose leash.
As I had done with Rain, Whisp is now "dressed" when she leaves the house on her socialization outings. This is to help her learn that when she is "dressed" she is working with her best manners in place and when she is naked, at home, she is just a puppy free to do puppy things.
Whisp watches with great interest and anticipation as I "dress" Rain, my mobility Service Dog. I have learned that I need to dress Whisp before Rain as Whisp gets way too happy wiggly to get her "dressed" in her tiny 'In Training' vest (size xxxxs which is way too big for her) as she knows we are heading out on a new adventure.
Today 4 September 2006 Whisp reached a mile stone. She went up the outside wooden open back deck steps to the wheelchair landing for the first time. My little girl is growing up :)
Time will tell if Whisp will grow up to be a Service Dog or a Therapy Dog or both.
6 January 2007
Whisp successfully completed her Level 1 Obedience, is reliable in her her housebreaking and has begun to learn some basic Service Dog tasks like bringing dropped items to me and going to get an item for me that I indicate. For these reasons Whisp is now a officially a Service Dog In Training (SDIT).
Whisp is now officially a Service Dog In Training!
(Whisp SDIT looks so proud with her official promotion from prospective service dog trainee to actual Service Dog in Training! Note how her xxxxs training vest nearly doesn't fit her now across her chest as she has grown "so big" !)
I plan to have Whisp take the AKC CGC (Canine Good Citizen) test and TDI (Therapy Dogs International) test when she is a year old....she is now 32 weeks old. On Sunday 14 January 2007 we will begin Agility class. My goal is to have fun with Whisp, work on her basic commands while in the distracting atmosphere, in preparation of the two tests. The equipment in this Agility class are for the big dogs but we will make a go of it anyway.
Whispy is a Service Dog!!