The socialization of Whisp and her littler mates began from the day that they were born 27 May 2006. Kim, their breeder, handled the puppies every day. They were raised in her home and exposed to the normal every day things of a household.
When Whisp and her sisters were 7 weeks old they got their first vaccinations and began going to the grooming shop. There they had a bath and learned to walk on different floor surfaces and began meeting all sorts of people. (Whisper bring smiles during nursing home visit 24Jul2006)
24 July 2006, "Judy's" puppies went to a nursing home where they got handled by many people and gave kisses to all.
(Whisper visiting a children's day care on 9Aug2006)
9 August 2006, the puppies were finally able to go to a children's day care...their visit had been delayed as some of the kids had head lice and the puppy visit was cancelled until the head lice problem was cleared up. The children really enjoyed spending time with the puppies.
14 August 2006, Whisp came to her forever home when she was 11 weeks and 2 days old...5 days earlier than planned as she and her mom "Judy" had 'gotten into it' and Whisp suffered a injury to one of her eyes. Whisp was quite full of herself and refused to back down when "Judy" told her NO! Her eye was well on the way to being completely healed.
After a day or two of acclimating herself to my home, routine and meeting my pack, Whisp began going on outings with Rain, my mobility Service Dog and me. I made her a pouch that held her close to my chest with a clip that secured her to it from the ring on her 'In Training' vest. She really enjoys the outings and meeting all sorts of people. She hasn't met a person yet that she wasn't willing to kiss.
Whisp rides nicely in the truck secured by a tiny seat belt between Rain and me. On the trips home from the outings Whisp sleeps very soundly, processing what she has seen while we were away from home. (Whisp visiting with some children at Dog Daze in the park on 22Sept2006)
22 September 2006 Whisp went to Dog Daze, an event in one of the City parks. She had a great time meeting and greeting folks. She loved to watch the dogs doing fly ball and agility demonstrations. Whisp saw dogs of all shapes and sizes, colors and fur types. She even won 2nd place dressed as an ear of corn....a real little Corn Dog!
22 November 2006 I just marvel at this little dog. Today when groceries were delivered Whisp sat near her crate watching the man bring in the groceries, wagging her tail. Then she went in the kitchen to watch him unload the boxes and sat while he reached down to touch her head, still wagging her tail. I wanted Whisp to be the only one loose in the house for this delivery as I wanted to see how she was going to behave when all alone with no pack members to follow so I didn't say anything at all to Whisp - she was completely on her own. She behaved perfectly and I couldn't be prouder of her.
20 December 2006 Cally is the "official" watchdog for the house as well as the sun conure Talon Tallbird. When either give the alert the house noise rises sharply and considerably but stops as suddenly when I give the word. To date Whisp has not joined in the din. When I am expecting deliveries I put the dogs in the bedroom except Whisp. She sits nicely as I answer the door and wags her tail in greeting be it a delivery man just dropping off a package at the door or welcoming in the grocery delivery man into our home. Of course she gets lots of praise and a treat for her friendliness to strangers.