Adventures and Mishaps
As with all youngsters there will be both adventures and mishaps - no matter how careful we are because they are young, lacking in knowledge of the world about them, curious about everything and learning how their bodies move.
14 September 2006 First Emergency Visit to the Vet
The day was a beautifully warm, sunny fall day and I sent the little dogs out to enjoy the day while I fixed their raw veggie snack. Rain sat at the patio door watching them. A few minutes after sending the little dogs out side Rain barked and I went to the door to see what she was barking at. The three little dogs were standing at the patio door waiting to come in. Whisp's body posture was low, head and tail in line with her back.
I opened the door and they came in. Whisp went to the couch and began to cry. I reached down and placed the fingers of my hand under her body to lift her up when she began to scream. I was startled and again tried to pick her up and she continued to scream. I lifted her up and quickly visually examined her - I saw no obvious compound fractures of her legs, her head and tail were still attached to her body so I placed her carefully on the couch. She just kept screaming.
Alarmed I called her vet and we left immediately for an emergency vet appointment. By the time Whisp was weighed she had stopped crying and there was now a swelling above her left eye. By the time the vet came in the swelling now extended down the left side of her face. Whisp was quiet and not herself.
Chihuahuas, as with human babies, are like badminton shuttle cocks...they always land head down and tail up. I suspected that Whisp was playing little mountain goat on the small river rock terracing and lost her footing, falling and hitting her head.
As I sat in the exam room waiting for the vet I looked at my dear sweet Whisp cradled gently against my chest and knew that if she was blind in the left eye due to the fall it would be okay, I would still love her with all my heart. If she had a brain injury it would be okay, I would still love her with all my heart. I knew that if she died I would be devastated and feel guilty for not sitting outside, as I usually did, while she was outside with Cally and SmokeyHaze...because I am an 'over protective' mom.
Luckily Whisp wasn't seriously hurt and she learned a valuable lesson. She rested in her crate for a day and then was absolutely back to normal though she didn't want to leap off the couch any more, choosing instead to use the towel covered box or the footstool both along side the couch as her way up and down safely.